Company Timeline
Learn more about the history of our company.
Chemical Products LTD is established in 1997.
The company develops in two main directions – production and trade with thermal insulation materials, designed for construction, energy and industry.
Chemical Products continues to thrive as an industry leader among a very competitive environment.

The company establishes trade representation in Moscow

Chemical Products Ltd registers its own trade mark ISOL

The company starts production of wedges from mineral stone wool

Exclusive representative of KAIMANN GmbH for delivery of highly flexible closed-cell insulation

The company becomes exclusive representative of Bohl GmbH

The company becomes exclusive representative for Bulgaria of Lenzing Plastics GmbH и Sebald Iso Systeme GmbH&Co. products

The company expands its range of own production with facing mineral wool plates with glass veil, white and black glass textile, foil and kraft paper

Starts production of lamella mats

Beginning of own production – mineral stone wool pipe sections

Chemical Products LTD is established in 1997

Do you have any questions?
Sokol 7, str.,
Yambol, 8600, Bulgaria
Nikola Vapcarov 53A
Sofia, 1000, Bulgaria